And here I am at 22 weeks. I seem to have popped overnight!! Baby is continuing to kick, but so far I am the only one to feel it. The kicks have been strong enough at times to feel on the outside of my belly, but baby doesn't like to cooperate with daddy! Hehe!!
Other fun news:
-We just got the pink slip to the Corolla! Yay. One car paid off, one to go!!
-Josh has declared Thursday's "Wife Appreciation Day". =-) Last week I woke up to an iced vanilla latte in the fridge and a rose on the counter. Today I woke up to a perfectly clean kitchen-dishes done, counter cleaned off and the dishwasher unloaded (and I know he HATES to do that!) So, yeah....Thursday's are pretty awesome!
-We are hosting Thanksgiving this year. My parents are coming to stay with us, Josh's sister and fiance will be coming and possibly Josh's dad and his wife. So, we will enjoy the company, lots of yummy food and maybe some Wii! =-) Jennie- tell Caitlyn that I'll bring the Wii up next time I visit!! She hasn't tossed that poor cow in over a year.